ENO1920 Carmen: Samantha Price

Samantha Price


Samantha Price as born in Wales and originally read speech and language therapy at Reading University before gaining distinction in her MA Opera performance at the RWCMD. A Samling Scholar and a member of Live Music Now, she also trained with ENO Opera Works before completing a year at the National Opera Studio, supported by Arts Council of Wales, the Robert Vivian Memorial Trust and Christopher Ball. She has been an ENO Harewood Artist since the 2014/15 Season.

Currently for ENO: Mercédès Carmen

Previously for ENO: Second Lady The Magic Flute, Iolanthe Iolanthe, Perdita The Winter’s Tale, Cherubino The Marriage of Figaro, Kate Pinkerton Madame Butterfly, Third Gentleman Julietta

Career Highlights

Other engagements include: L’Innocente L’Arlesiana, Orlofsky, Tweedle Dum Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Opera Holland Park); Lucienne Die tote Stadt (Nederlandse Reisopera); Mozart’s London (Classical Opera); Cherubino (Xi’an Symphony Orchestra); Sonia War and Peace (WNO); Clare 4.48 Psychosis (ROH; Prototype Festival, New York); Flora Bervoix La traviata (Longborough Festival Opera); 2016 Opera Highlights Tour (Scottish Opera); Shakespeare Live! (RSC); Beethoven Symphony No. 9 (Dresden Philharmonic); Vivaldi Gloria (RFH).

Forthcoming includes: Second Nymph Rusalka (Garsington Opera at Wormsley); Clare 4.48 Psychosis (Opéra national du Rhin); Verdi Requiem (Snape); Birmingham Bach Choir Centenary Concert (Lichfield Cathedral).

Last updated: 21st February 2020