Headshot of William Morgan

William Morgan


William Morgan was a National Opera Studio young artist (2015–16) sponsored by ENO and is now an ENO Harewood Artist. He is a graduate of the RCM and the University of Durham.

Previously for ENO: First Priest/Judge of the Dead The Mask of Orpheus, Reporter Orphée, The Writer Jack the Ripper: The Women of Whitechapel, Hot Biscuit Slim Paul BunyanYounger man Between Worlds (Barbican), Prologue/Quint The Turn of the Screw (Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre), cover Florizel The Winter’s Tale, Young Man/Phaeton The Day After.

Career Highlights

Notable engagements elsewhere: Misael The Burning Fiery Furnace, Soloist Opera Highlights tour, Lliam Paterson’s The 8th Door (Scottish Opera); Spoletta (Neville Holt Opera); Dr Caius (RLPO); Anthony Sweeney Todd (Longborough Festival); Orpheus Orpheus in the Underworld (Opera Danube); Antonio Das Liebesverbot (Chelsea Opera). He was a member of ENO’s Opera Works programme, and with the National Opera Studio performed Ferrando, Ramiro and Ferdinand The Tempest. He has given lieder and song recitals including at the Oxford Lieder Festival and the RAH’s Elgar Room in repertoire including the major song-cycles of Schubert, Schumann and Britten. He performs regularly in concert, and has sung at the RFH, Barbican, St John’s Smith Square, Canterbury Cathedral and Snape Maltings, and has been broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

Current/future engagements: Tamino Die Zauberflöte, Flute A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Marco The Gondoliers (Scottish Opera), Don Ottavio Don Giovanni (Longborough Festival), Johann Strauss Gala tour with Raymond Gubbay Ltd, and Vaughan Williams’s Serenade to Music (BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra) at BBC Proms 2019.

Last updated: 18th January 2023