ENO La boheme Isabella Bywater

Isabella Bywater


Currently for ENO: La bohème

Career Highlights

Notable engagements elsewhere: directed and designed Gounod’s Faust in 2013 for the Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg, conducted by Valery Gergiev, Lucia di Lammermoor in 2014 for Den Jyske Opera, Denmark, and La bohème in 2015 for San Diego Opera. She has recently directed and designed Il tabarro and Gianni Schicchi for Den Norse Opera, which opened in October 2018, and she is currently working on Suor Angelica also for Den Norse Opera, to open in February 2019. She has previously designed sets and costumes for many productions worldwide, including: Don Pasquale (La Scala, Milan, ROH, Maggio Musicale Firenze, Valencia Opera and Bilbao Opera); La bohème (ENO, Cincinnati Opera and Liceu, Barcelona); Aida (Royal Albert Hall); La traviata, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Mariinsky); Nabucco, La clemenza di Tito, Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Zurich Opera); Eugene Onegin, Ermione (Santa Fe); L’elisir d’amore, Cavalleria rusticana, Pagliacci, The Makropulos Case (Stockholm Opera); The Elixir of Love (ENO, New York City Opera); and Falstaff, Der Rosenkavalier (New National Theatre, Tokyo).

Last updated: 21st August 2019