ENO1920 The Marriage of Figaro: Elizabeth Watts

Elizabeth Watts


Elizabeth Watts was a chorister at Norwich Cathedral and studied archaeology at Sheffield University before studying at the Royal College of Music. She was awarded an Hon. DMus by Sheffield in 2013 and became a Fellow of the RCM in 2017

Currently for ENO: Countess The Marriage of Figaro

Career Highlights

Plans this season and beyond include: Aspasia Mitridate (Garsington Opera); concerts with the Rotterdam Philharmonic, Hallé, RPO, MDR Leipzig, Orquesta Nacional de España, Madrid, and Philharmonia Baroque, San Francisco.

Opera roles have included: Donna Elvira Don Giovanni, Marzelline Fidelio, Countess, Susanna Le nozze di Figaro; Pamina Die Zauberflöte; Fiordiligi Così fan tutte and Almirena Rinaldo for the ROH, WNO and Glyndebourne Touring Opera.

Recent concerts include: Mendelssohn Elijah (BBCSO); Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem (OAE); Vaughan Williams A Sea Symphony (Rundfunk Sinfonieorchester Berlin); Ligeti Le Grand Macabre (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester; LSO); and at the BBC Proms, Beethoven arias with the NDR Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. Her most recent recording is a highly acclaimed CD of Handel Brockes Passion with the Academy of Ancient Music.

Last updated: 4th February 2020