ENO1920 Rusalka: Klaus Grünberg

Klaus Grünberg

Lighting Designer

Set Designer

Klaus Grünberg was born in Hamburg, he studied set design with Erich Wonder in Vienna and has worked as a freelance set and lighting designer for opera and theatre in Europe, Buenos Aires and Kuwait City.

Currently for ENO: Rusalka

Career Highlights

For many years, he has worked with the composer and director Heiner Goebbels and with the directors Tatjana Gürbaca and Barrie Kosky.

Recent projects include: Pelléas et Mélisande (Komische Oper Berlin; The Nose (ROH); Werther, Macbeth (Zürich Opera House); Simplicius Simplicissimus, Don Giovanni (Theater Bremen). In 1999 he opened MOMOLMA (Museum of More or Less Modern Art) in Hamburg.

Last updated: 4th February 2020