Julian Hubbard

Julian Hubbard


Upcoming and most recent engagements of English tenor Julian Hubbard include Froh The Rhinegold (Das Rheingold) English National Opera, Baltasar Mateus  in Azio Corghi’s Blimunda Teatro Nacional de Sao Carlos Lisbon, and the title role of Parifal Danish National Symphony Orchestra and La Monnaie where he also appeared as Peter Quint The Turn of the Screw.

He made his debut as Siegmund Die Walküre Stadttheater Klagenfurt, sang Tichon Katya Kabanowa and Cassius in the world premiere of Battistelli’s Julius Caesar Opera di Roma and was the tenor soloist in Beethoven IX with Fabio Luisi and the Fondazione Toscanini Parma.

Career Highlights

Other recent engagements include Parsifal (title role) Teatro Massimo Palermo, Hoffmann Tales of Hoffmann Irish National Opera and Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Victorin/Gaston Die tote Stadt RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, and Priest II Prigioniero Théâtre de la Monnaie and Oper Stuttgart.

He has appeared as Jimmy Mahoney Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny Opera Theatre Company, Huntsman/Prince Rusalka La Monnaie and Scottish Opera, Malcolm Macbeth La Monnaie, Tamino Die Zauberflöte Longborough Festival Opera, Don Jose Carmen and Pinkerton Madama Butterfly Lyric Opera Dublin, Juan in Henzes Das Wundertheater Montepulciano Festival, Pontio Pilato Das Liebesverbot in concert in London and guest appearances with Opera Holland Park.

His concert repertoire includes Handel Messiah, Mendelssohn Elijah, Haydn The Seasons, Puccini Missa di Gloria and Verdi Requiem. Julian has performed at the Edinburgh and Aldeburgh Festivals, the Wigmore Hall and BBC Radio 3. He also appears on the La Monnaie DVD of Rusalka as the Huntsman.

Julian has worked with conductors Richard Bonynge, Adam Fischer, Carlo Rizzi, Alain Altingolu, Paolo Carignani, Stuart Stratford and Anthony Negus and directors Graham Vick, Stefan Herheim, Andrea Breth, Anthony Macdonald, Stewart Laing, and Alfred Kirchner. He trained at the Royal College of Music and The National Opera Studio London. He currently studies with Janice Chapman and Julian Gavin.

Last updated: 21st November 2022