James Cresswell Headshot

James Creswell


James Creswell  has established himself as one of the leading basses of his generation. Born in Seattle Washington, he graduated from Yale University School of Music and his early career included apprenticeships with Los Angeles Opera and San Francisco Opera until moving to Germany as a soloist with the Komische Oper Berlin.

Currently for ENO: Count Walter Luisa Miller

Previously for ENO: Sarastro The Magic FluteTimur, Dutchman, Rocco, Sarastro, Pogner, Father Superior Force of Destiny.

Career Highlights

Notable engagements elsewhere: Lodovico (St Louis); Don Giovanni (Western Opera Theater US tour); Achilla Giulio Cesare, Angelotti, Sprecher, Basilio Barbiere di Siviglia, Ferrando Il trovatore, Monk Don Carlo, Titurel/cover Gurnemanz, Mayor Jenůfa, Masetto (Los Angeles Opera); Sarastro, Mozart’s Figaro, Gremin, Hermit Freischütz, Handel’s Oreste, Coq d’or, Mozart Requiem staging, Zoroastro Orlando (Komische Oper Berlin); Nazarene Salome (Berlin Staatsoper); Rocco (Frankfurt, Reis Opera, WNO); Masetto (Ravinia Festival); Kammersänger Intermezzo (Theater an der Wien); Escamillo, Capulet (Opera of Bilbao); Masetto (Ravinia Festival); Wurm Luisa Miller (Cincinnati May Festival/Conlon); King Mark (Bremen); Little Prisoner House of the Dead, Fasolt, Oroveso Norma, Kolenaty (and Edinburgh Festival), Mephistopheles Faust (and Tallin Festival), Seneca Poppea, Kecal Bartered Bride (Opera North); Sarastro (Nantes). Concert engagements include Bach St John Passion (Deutsche Symphonie Orchester/Nagano); Bach St Matthew Passion (Cincinnati May Festival); Brahms Requiem (Lisbon); Messiah (Bergen Festival); Mahler Symphony No. 8 (Hallé/Elder); Mozart Requiem (Amsterdam); King Aida (Ravinia Festival); Father Prodigal Son (Rome Opera).

Engagements in 2019/20 include: Doctor Bartolo Le nozze di Figaro, Il Cieco Iris (Scottish Opera); Janáček’s Glagolitic Mass (London Philharmonic Orchestra); Sarastro Die Zauberflöte, Vodník Rusalka (Santa Fe Opera).

Last updated: 20th December 2022