Headshot of Soraya Mafi

Soraya Mafi


Soraya Mafi was born in Lancashire and is a graduate of the Royal College of Music. An ENO Harewood Artist, she won the 2014 Maggie Teyte Prize and the 2016 Susan Chilcott Award.

Previously for ENO: Love Orpheus and EurydiceYum-Yum The Mikado, Tytania A Midsummer Night’s DreamMabel The Pirates of Penzance, Karolka Jenufa, Papagena The Magic Flute

Career Highlights

Roles elsewhere include: Johanna Sweeney Todd, Susanna Le nozze di Figaro (WNO); Lucy England The Telephone (Scottish Opera at Edinburgh Festival); Cleopatra Giulio Cesare (ETO); Constance Dialogues des Carmélites, First Niece Peter Grimes, Gretel Hänsel und Gretel (Grange Park); title role Arianna in Creta (London Handel Festival); Aminta Il re pastore (Châtelet, Paris); Despina Così fan tutte (West Green House Opera); Suor Geneveva Suor Angelica (Opera North); Cynthia La divisione del mondo (Opéra du Rhin in Strasbourg); Gilda Rigoletto (Seattle Opera).


Forthcoming: Johanna Sweeney Todd (Zurich Opera debut); Sophie Der Rosenkavalier (WNO, Garsington).

Last updated: 24th July 2020