Amanda Holden - Opera Translator at English National Opera

Amanda Holden


Amanda Holden has written many translations for the stage, concert hall and musical theatre, several of them commissioned by ENO

Previously for ENO:  La bohème, Lucia di LammermoorDon Giovanni; Handel’s Rodelinda and Partenope.


Career Highlights

Notable engagements elsewhere: Madam Butterfly (adaptation for The Kings Head, 2017, originally for Raymond Gubbay and the RAH), Gluck’s Orpheus and Eurydice (Opera Theatre St Louis, 2018), Pascal Dusapin’s Passion (UK premiere, Music Theatre Wales, 2018) and Hans Abrahamsen’s The Snow Queen (Munich, 2019)Her librettos include Bliss for Brett Dean (Opera Australia), and The Silver Tassie (ENO) for Mark-Anthony Turnage (Olivier Award, Outstanding Achievement in Opera, 2001). She is also founder-editor of the Viking/Penguin Opera Guides. The 2017 edition, The Opera Guide, 100 Popular Composers, is available online.

Last updated: 20th August 2019