Alex Otterburn

Alex Otterburn


Alex Otterburn graduated from the Royal Academy of Music, he joined Scottish Opera as an Emerging Artist and last season joined ENO as a Harewood Artist.

Previously for ENO:  Ernie It’s a Wonderful Life, Schaunard La Bohème; Moralès Carmen, Huntsman Rusalka; Pluto Orpheus in the Underworld, Squibby Jack the Ripper: The Women of Whitechapel; Hel Helson Paul Bunyan.

Career Highlights

Notable engagements elsewhere: Eddy Greek (Brooklyn Academy of Arts/Edinburgh International Festival/Glasgow); Chip On the Town (Hyogo Performing Arts Centre); Cascada The Merry Widow (Opera North); Harlequin Ariadne auf Naxos (Scottish Opera, Opera Holland Park); Pallante Agrippina (Grange Festival); Guglielmo Così fan tutte (Bury Court Opera). Concert engagements include Carmina Burana for Oulu Symphony Orchestra, Bernstein’s Arias and Barcarolles at the Edinburgh International Festival, and appearances at the Ludlow English Song Festival. Elsewhere he has sung Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Haydn’s The Seasons, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem, Fauré’s Requiem and Vaughan Williams’s A Sea Symphony. He is the proud recipient of an Independent Opera Fellowship award.

Last updated: 30th December 2022