ENO1920 The Marriage of Figaro: Božidar Smiljanić

Božidar Smiljanić


Božidar Smiljanić bass-baritone (Figaro) studied at the Royal Academy of Music and is an ENO Harewood Artist, making his debut with the company as Marquis D’Obigny La traviata.

Currently for ENO: Figaro The Marriage of Figaro

Previously for ENO: Schaunard La bohème, Marquis La traviata


Career Highlights

Notable engagements include: Masetto Don Giovanni (Glyndebourne tour and in concert with Bamberger Symphoniker/Jakub Hrůša in Bamberg and at the Elbphilharmonie); Schaunard (Scottish Opera); Bach’s B minor Mass with the RLPO (conducted by Nathalie Stutzmann); Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast (conducted by John Wilson) and Berlioz’s La damnation de Faust (conducted by Edward Gardner), both with the CBSO. He also joins Hervé Niquet and Le Concert Spirituel for Handel’s Messiah alongside London performances under Richard Cooke at the Royal Albert Hall. Following an impressive showing at the final of the 2017 Neue Stimmen Competition, he joined the ensemble of Oper Frankfurt from the 2018/19 Season where his roles include Leporello Don Giovanni, Eumée in Corinna Tetzel’s new production of Faure’s Pénélope, Farasmene Radamisto, Garibaldo in Claus Guth’s new staging of Rodelinda, Ariodate Xerxes (conducted by Constantinos Carydis), Sprecher Die Zauberflöte, Hunter Rusalka, and Zuniga in Barrie Kosky’s Carmen.



Last updated: 4th February 2020