Brindley Sherratt profile picture

Brindley Sherratt


Brindley Sherratt studied at the RAM.

Currently for ENO: Mozart’s Requiem

Previously for ENO: Sarastro The Magic Flute, Ramfis Aida, Creon in Charpentier’s Medea, Gremin, Pimen Boris Godunov, Fiesco Simon Boccangera, Sarastro, Sparafucile, Ramfis, Edward Teller Doctor Atomic, Bass Messiah.

Career Highlights

Notable engagements elsewhere: Sarastro (Vienna, Hamburg, Bordeaux, Amsterdam); Fafner, Gremin, Sparafucile, Ramfis, Timur, Narbal Les Troyens, Oroveso Norma (ROH); Geronte Manon Lescaut (Metropolitan Opera); Ochs (Glyndebourne, WNO); Bottom (Aix-en-Provence Festival); Doctor Wozzeck (Lyric Opera of Chicago); Claggart (Glyndebourne, Madrid, Aldeburgh, Opera North, Brooklyn Academy of Music); Philip Don Carlos (Opera North); Pognor Meistersinger (WNO). In concert he has appeared at the Salzburg, Lucerne, Bregenz and Edinburgh Festivals, at the BBC Proms, and under such conductors as Bolton, Bicket, Andrew Davis, Elder, Gardiner, Harding, Nézet-Séguin and Pappano.

Forthcoming: Claggart (ROH); Sarastro (Glyndebourne); returns to Metropolitan Opera, Opernhaus Zurich and the Aix-en-Provence Festival and debut at the Bayerische Staatsoper. He is ENO Artist in Residence and Advisor to the ENO Harewood Artists.

Last updated: 26th October 2020