Calixto Bieito headshot

Calixto Bieito


Calixto Bieito has been Artistic Director at the Teatro Arriaga, Bilbao since 2017.

Currently for ENO: Carmen

Previously for ENO: Carmen

Career Highlights

His credits include: Since his debut in 1996, he has staged works by Verdi (Un ballo in maschera, Macbeth, Il trovatore, La traviata, Don Carlos, La forza del destino, Simon Boccanegra, Otello, Messa da Requiem), Mozart (Don Giovanni, Così fan tutte, Die Entführung aus dem Serail), Wagner (Der fliegende Holländer, Parsifal, Tannhäuser), Puccini (Tosca, Madama Butterfly, Turandot, Gianni Schicchi), Monteverdi (L’incoronazione di Poppea, 1610 Vespers), Rameau (Platée), Purcell (The Fairy Queen), Gluck (Armide), Beethoven (Fidelio), Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Elijah), Berlioz (Les Troyens), Halévy (La Juive), Schoenberg (Moses and Aron), Berg (Wozzeck, Lulu), Schreker (Die Gezeichneten), Weill (Mahagonny), Prokofiev (The Fiery Angel), Shostakovitch (Lady Macbeth from Mzensk), Janáček (Jenufa, From the House of the Dead), Britten (War Requiem), Zimmermann (Die Soldaten), Ligeti (Le Grand Macabre). Reimann (Lear), Xenakis (Oresteia) and Parra (Wilde, Les Bienveillantes) at opera houses such as ENO, WNO, Komische Oper Berlin, Basle, Zurich, Antwerp, Barcelona, Madrid, Maggio Musicale Firenze, Venice, Palermo, Opéra de Paris, Theater an der Wien, Hamburg State Opera, Bavarian State Opera Munich, and Semperoper Dresden.

He first presented his staging of Carmen in Perelada (Spain) in 1999, followed by productions and revivals in many European houses, including ENO. He has staged drama at the Edinburgh Festival, Birmingham Repertory, Festival Mérida, Residenztheater Munich, Nationaltheater Mannheim, Staatstheater Stuttgart, National Theatre Oslo and Bergen Festival. Since 2017 he has been Artistic Director at the Teatro Arriaga, Bilbao.

Forthcoming: Der Ring des Nibelungen (Opéra de Paris), Eliogabalo (Zurich), Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Amsterdam)

Last updated: 16th January 2023