ENO Orchestra: Caroline Gough

Caroline Gough


Caroline Gough was born into a musical family and started playing the Cello aged eight.

When did you join?
I joined ENO initially in 1982 and was a member of the company until the end of 1987. After a gap of 8 years, I returned to ENO in 1996.

Favourite ENO opera?
Far too many to say but if pushed, one of my favourites would be Der Rosenkavalier.

Best ENO moment?
Among my best ENO moments would have to be playing Parsifal at the BBC Proms in 1987, conducted by Sir Reginald Goodall.

How did you start?
I watched Jacqueline du Pré play when I was 7 years old. Shortly afterwards my father bought me a cello!

Passion outside of opera?
Retreating to the country and doing lots of walking and cycling in Scotland.

Career Highlights

She was a junior scholar at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music (now RCS), a member of the National Youth Orchestra and the Scottish String Finalist in the first BBC Competition “Young Musician of the Year”.

Progressing to the Royal College of Music, Caroline was awarded a joint cello and piano scholarship to study with Joan Dickson and Kendall Taylor respectively, winning the Ivor James Cello prize in her 3rd year.

On leaving the RCM she was appointed Sub Principal Cello with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and then in 1982 became Sub Principal Cello with English National Opera.

In 1988 she had a break from ENO to raise a family and then had the opportunity to audition for her previous job and rejoined ENO in 1996. Alongside her ENO work Caroline also enjoys accompanying candidates for ABRSM and Trinity exams and recital work with Bach to Baby.

Last updated: 9th October 2019