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Laura Hopkins

Costume Designer

Costume designer Laura Hopkins is an associate artist with Imitating the Dog theatre company and Duckie, Purveyors of Progressive Working Class Entertainment.

Theatre designs include: Dr Blood’s Travelling Medicine Show, Night of the Living Dead (Imitating the Dog); Augmented (co-design with Khadija Raza); Invisible Cities – costume (Manchester International Festival); One for Sorrow, The Pass (Royal Court); The Divide (EIF/Old Vic); Troilus and Cressida (The Wooster Group/RSC); Falstaff (ENO/Opera North); The Seagull (Headlong); A Delicate Balance (Almeida); Othello (Frantic Assembly); Black Watch (NTS); The Golden Ass (Shakespeare’s Globe); Look Back in Anger, Crimes of the Heart, You Can’t Take It With You, Too Clever by Half, The Ghost Train (Manchester Royal Exchange).

Career Highlights

Awards include: Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland Award for Best Design (Lanark); TMA Awards for Best Design (Doctor Faustus and Mister Heracles).

Last updated: 28th February 2022