ENO1920 Orpheus in the Underworld: Matthew Monaghan

Matthew Monaghan

Matthew Monaghan is a freelance director. He was born in Newcastle upon Tyne and read English at Oxford University, graduating with a First Class BA (Hons) in 2011. He went on to study on the MA in theatre directing at RADA. He was the youngest student ever to be taken onto the course at that point. He graduated with Distinction from RADA in 2012.

Previously for ENO: Orpheus in the Underworld (Associate Director), Trial by Jury (ENO Studio Live, Director)

Career Highlights

Directing credits include: RCM Opera Scenes (Royal College of Music); Noye’s Fludde (BBC Singers); Limbo (Live Theatre); No One Sees the Video (RADA); Passion and Resurrection (Voices of London Festival); Viagron/Kettlehead (Grimeborn); The Two Noble Kinsmen (The Jack Theatre) and Penetrator (RADA). He was a finalist for the European Opera Directing Prize in 2016.

Assistant directing credits include:  Iolanthe, Partenope, Norma, Jenůfa, The Queen of Spades (ENO)The Queen of SpadesSemiramide (ROH); Gianni Schicchi, La Vida Breve (Opera North); The Turn of the Screw (Garsington); The Tempest (Norfolk and Norwich Festival); Have I None (Lyric Hammersmith).

Forthcoming directing projects include: work for the Royal College of Music and Northern Stage.

Last updated: 21st January 2020