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Toby Spence


Toby Spence was a choral scholar at New College, Oxford, and then studied at the GSMD.

Currently for ENO: Mozart’s Requiem

Previously for ENO: M. K. Gandhi SatyagrahaLensky Eugene Onegin, Gounod’s Faust, Candide, Paris La Belle Hélène, Tamino The Magic Flute.

Career Highlights

Toby has sung with the ROH, the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera, the Opéra de Paris, Bayerische Staatsoper, Teatro Real Madrid, Theater an der Wien, and the Hamburgische Staatsoper. On the concert platform, he has worked with Sir Simon Rattle, Andris Nelsons, Thomas Adés, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Semyon Bychkov, and has made notable appearances at the Salzburg, Aix-en-Provence and Edinburgh festivals.

Notable engagements: Missa Solemnis (LSO/Michael Tilson Thomas); Szymanowski Symphony No.3 (Gulbenkian Foundation); War Requiem (Toronto Symphony), Captain Vere Billy Budd Teatro Real, Madrid); Tamino, Eisenstein Die Fledermaus, Antonio The Tempest (Metropolitan Opera); Don Ottavio (Liceu, Barcelona); Don Ottavio, Tito La celemnza di Tito (Wiener Staatsoper); Tamino, Henry Morosus Die schweigsame Frau (Bayerische Staatsoper); Tom Rakewell and David Die Meistersinger (Opéra de Paris).

Last updated: 26th October 2020